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NAGIOS - Win32APIProxy

This NAGIOS plugin allows to remotely monitor Windows hosts in a agentless fashion.


Technically it is using the Win32 API from a Windows proxy server to the remote host. Syntax wise it mirrors NSClient++ features.

Historically my friend decided to move away from HP SiteScope to Nagios. A large amount of 'monitors' (SiteScope lingo, 'service' in Nagios terminology) were related to Windows servers, monitored via the Win32 API, what Sitescope refers as NetBIOS protocol. Installing the NSClient++ agent, new to the team, was a concern for both security and stability of each server. Then naturally came the need to support the existing server infrastructure setup without any change.


The Win32APIProxy is a small Perl script which runs on a Windows host. This proxy acts as a bridge between the UNIX world and the Windows world.

Nagios connects to the proxy via HTTP(s) protocol using a POST command, the request is received by Apache Web Server and the proxy, configured as a CGI script, issues a Win32 call to the target Windows host.


The link between the proxy and the proxy must be setup and security on remote host properly setup.

Download Win32APIProxy

Source code can be downloaded from SourceForge.

How to Install Win32APIProxy - Proxy Server

You need a Windows OS machine to install the proxy.

  1. Install Apache Web Server. Binary can be downloaded from
  2. Install Perl. It has been tested with Active Perl, its binary can be downloaded from
  3. Install Proxy CGI script and its configuration file. Just place and win32apiproxy.config inside Apache2\cgi-bin\ directory
  4. Create data directory, for example c:\win32apiproxy\hostdata\
  5. Update win32apiproxy.config with directory from step 4, for example:
  1. Test with html page. Put temporarily win32test.html inside Apache2\htdocs, open it with your browser, type 'version' in the Command field and click Submit. It should result to a page showing the proxy version, such as 0.01
  2. Optionaly setup proper security (HTTPs, BASIC authentication, OS hardening, Web server hardening, etc). This is out of scope of this page

How to Install Win32APIProxy - Nagios Server

  1. Ensure Nagios::Plugin Perl module is installed. CPAN upgrade module can be used, such as:
install "Nagios::Plugin"
  1. Install script and its configuration file check_win32apiproxy.config inside NAGIOS_HOME/libexec (typically NAGIOS_HOME = /usr/local/nagios). Make sure config file location in is correct ($PROXYCONFIG variable)
  2. Configure remote proxy address and security inside check_win32apiproxy.config. For example:

#Security (used if USERNAME is not empty)
  1. Add new command to Nagios inside NAGIOS_HOME/etc/objects/commands.cfg by adding the few lines bellow
# 'check_win32apiproxy' command definition
define command{
        command_name    check_win32apiproxy
        command_line    $USER1$/ -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -v $ARG1$ $ARG2$
  1. Add Proxy monitoring by checking proxy version
define host{
        use             windows-server
        host_name       Win32APIProxyServer
        alias           WIN32API Proxy Server

define service{
        use                     generic-service
        host_name               Win32APIProxyServer
        service_description     Proxy Version
        check_command           check_win32apiproxy!PROXYVERSION

How to Monitor a Host

To check if step 1 and 2 are required, you can use either the HTML test page or the check script and submit one operation.

  1. Configure host to accept remote inquiries from proxy. Follow steps from (which replaces KB Q158438). As a reference, I did this setting for a Windows 2003 Server host

a. Create remote user (in the example 'nagiosusr')

win32apiproxy_rhost_1.png win32apiproxy_rhost_2.png

b. Grant read access of HKLM\Software\Microsoft\WindowsNT\CurrentVersion\PerfLib registry entry to 'nagiosusr'. If you forget this step, you will be able to create IPC$ connection, but registry browing will not be possible

win32apiproxy_rhost_3.png win32apiproxy_rhost_4.png win32apiproxy_rhost_5.png

win32apiproxy_rhost_6.png win32apiproxy_rhost_7.png

c. Ensure %windir%\System32\PERFCxxx.DAT and PERFHxxx.DAT can be read by 'nagiosusr'. xxx is language ID, 009 for english

win32apiproxy_rhost_8.png win32apiproxy_rhost_9.png

d. Verify services are running (by default they are): Remote Procedure Call(RPC), server, Remote Registry


  1. Optionally open firewall from proxy to remote host. Ports are:

Port 135/TCP (I did not see traffic on this port though)
Port 138/UDP
Port 139/TCP
Port 445/TCP

  1. Optionally if the user used to run the proxy process is different that the one configured on the host, create a IPC connection
D:\>net use \\winserver /user:winserver\nagiosusr xxxpwdxxx /PERSISTENT:YES
The command completed successfully.

D:\>net use
New connections will be remembered.

Status       Local     Remote                    Network
OK                     \\winserver\IPC$          Microsoft Windows Network
The command completed successfully.

  1. Add this host to Nagios configuration file
define host{
        use             windows-server
        host_name       winserver
        alias           My Win32 Windows Server
  1. Add services for this host
define service{
        use                     generic-service
        host_name               winserver
        service_description     Uptime
        check_command           check_win32apiproxy!UPTIME

define service{
        use                     generic-service
        host_name               winserver
        service_description     CPU Load
        check_command           check_win32apiproxy!CPULOAD!-w 80 -c 90

define service{
        use                     generic-service
        host_name               winserver
        service_description     Memory Usage
        check_command           check_win32apiproxy!MEMUSE!-w 80 -c 90

define service{
        use                     generic-service
        host_name               winserver
        service_description     C:\ Drive Space
        check_command           check_win32apiproxy!USEDDISKSPACE!-l c -w 80 -c 90

define service{
        use                     generic-service
        host_name               winserver
        service_description     ALG Service
        check_command           check_win32apiproxy!SERVICESTATE!-l alg

define service{
        use                     generic-service
        host_name               winserver
        service_description     Explorer
        check_command           check_win32apiproxy!PROCSTATE!-l Explorer

Script Syntax

$ ./ -h
Program:, version:0.01
Usage: -H host -v variable [-w warning] [-c critical] [-l params] [-t timeout]

-H, --hostname=HOST
   Name of the host to check
-w, --warning=INTEGER
   Threshold which will result in a warning status
-c, --critical=INTEGER
   Threshold which will result in a critical status
-l, --params=PARAMS
   Threshold which will result in a critical status
-t, --timeout=INTEGER
   Seconds before connection attempt times out (default: 10)
-h, --help
   Print this help screen
-V, --version
   Print version information
-v, --variable=STRING
   Variable to check

Valid variables are:
 PROXYVERSION = Get the remote win32apiproxy version
  Will return warning if check script and proxy version differ
  Get the uptime of the machine
  No specific parameters
  Warning and critical thresholds (in seconds) can be specified with -w and -c
  Average CPU load since the last query
  Warning and critical thresholds (in CPU busy %) can be specified with -w and -c
  Size (GB) and percentage of disk use
  Request a -l parameter containing the drive letter only
  Warning and critical thresholds (in disk used %) can be specified with -w and -c
  Virtual and Physical Memory use (MB).
  Warning and critical thresholds (in virtual memory used %) can be specified with -w and -c
  Check the state of one or several services. Return critical if at least 1 service is not in SERVICE_RUNNING state
  Request a -l parameters with the following syntax: -l <service1>,<service2>,<service3>,...
  Check if one or several process are running
  Same syntax as SERVICESTATE

Sample Script Outputs

Proxy Version: 0.01 $ ./ -v UPTIME -H winserver -w 604800 System Uptime: 0 day(s) 2 hour(s) 21 minute(s)|uptime=8518;604800; $ ./ -v CPULOAD -H winserver -w 40 -c 80 CPU Load: 52.3%|busy%=52.3;40;80 $ ./ -v MEMUSE -H winserver -c 30 Virtual Memory Usage: total: 2441.17 MB - used: 578.14 MB (23.7%) - free: 1863.02 MB (76.3%) - Physical memory used: 366.00 MB - pages/sec: 7.5|virtused=578.14MB,virtused%=23.7;;30,physused=366.00MB,pages/sec=7.5 $ ./ -v USEDDISKSPACE -H winserver -l c -w 80 -c 90 C:\ - total: 16.28 GB - used: 8.88 GB (54.5%) - free: 7.40 GB (45.5%) |'C:\ Used Space Gb'=8.88GB,'C:\ Used Space %'=54.5;80;90 $ ./ -v SERVICESTATE -H winserver -l alg,alerter Service State: alg:SERVICE_RUNNING alerter:SERVICE_STOPPED $ ./ -v PROCSTATE -H winserver -l svchost,explorer,zzz Process State: svchost:Running explorer:Running zzz:Not running

Report Issues or Request Enhancements

Just click on the "Contact" link inside the top left box. In case of issue, I am glad to track down what went wrong and get the Win32API Proxy fixed ASAP.

Up-Coming Enhancements

  • List all services and running processes
  • Display counters
  • Automatic creation of IPC link from proxy to host
  • Manage timeout from proxy to host
  • Test HTTPs link from Nagios to proxy

Version History

Version Date Notes
0.01 17-mar-2010 Initial release
0.02 TBD

Fix: IP hostname regex is incorrect from from IPs

Display counters